Parable Of The Wise And Foolish Virgins, 1899. Creator: William John WainwrightParable Of The Wise And Foolish Virgins, 1899
Night and Her Daughter Sleep, 1902. Creator: Mary L. MacomberNight and Her Daughter Sleep, 1902
Persische Nachtigallen (Persian Nightingales), 1917. Creator: Paul KleePersische Nachtigallen (Persian Nightingales), 1917
The Triumph of Justice. Creator: Gabriel MetsuThe Triumph of Justice.
Lust (Luxuria), One of the Seven Deadly Sins. Creator: Adriaen BrouwerLust (Luxuria), One of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Medal of the Sydney Exhibition, 1880. Creator: UnknownMedal of the Sydney Exhibition, 1880
Charity, 1540. Creator: Lucas Cranach the YoungerCharity, 1540.
Temperance Subduing Intemperance, probably c1700. Creator: UnknownTemperance Subduing Intemperance, probably c1700.
Allegorical Figure with Flowers, 1696. Creator: Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen IIAllegorical Figure with Flowers, 1696.
Allegorical Figure with Flowers, 1688. Creator: Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen IIAllegorical Figure with Flowers, 1688.
Allegorical Scene, 1920-1940. Creator: Emile VloorsAllegorical Scene, 1920-1940.
Painting, 1890. Creator: Eugene Joseph De PlynPainting, 1890. Sculpture of an allegorical figure representing the art of painting.
Caritas, probably end of 16th century. Creator: UnknownCaritas, probably end of 16th century.
Fortune and Misfortune, mid-late 19th century. Creator: Eugene SmitsFortune and Misfortune, mid-late 19th century.
Allegory of Peace. Creator: Mattheus TerwestenAllegory of Peace.
Allegory of Autumn. Creator: Nicolaes BerchemAllegory of Autumn.
Allegory of Winter. Creator: Nicolaes BerchemAllegory of Winter.
Allegory of Spring. Creator: Nicolaes BerchemAllegory of Spring.
Denarius, 1st century B.C. Creator: UnknownDenarius, 1st century B.C. Additional Info: Obverse: Draped bust right with attributes of Isis, Minerva, Apollo, Diana and Victory; cornucopiae before. Reverse: Eagle on thunderbolt.
Denarius, 1st century B.C. Creator: UnknownDenarius, 1st century B.C. Additional Info: Obverse: Bust of Victory right. Reverse: Victory in quadriga (four-horse chariot), reins in left hand, wreath in right.
Charity Relieving Distress, about 1784. Creator: Gainsborough DupontCharity Relieving Distress, about 1784.
The Goddess Juno, Quattro Fontane, Rome, Italy, 2009. Creator: LTLThe Goddess Juno, Quattro Fontane, Rome, Italy, 2009. The Goddes Juno, the symbol of Strenghth by Domenico Fontana (1543-1607).
The River Tiber, Quattro Fontane, Rome, Italy, 2009. Creator: LTLThe River Tiber, Quattro Fontane, Rome, Italy, 2009. By Pietro da Cortona (1596-1669).
The Goddess Diana, Quattro Fontane, Rome, Italy, 2009. Creator: LTLThe Goddess Diana, Quattro Fontane, Rome, Italy, 2009. The Goddes Diana, the symbol of Chastity by Pietro da Cortona (1596-1669).
The River Aniene, Quattro Fontane, Rome, Italy, 2009. Creator: LTLThe River Aniene, Quattro Fontane, Rome, Italy, 2009. By Pietro da Cortona (1596-1669).
Summer, 1889. Creator: Narciso Mendez BringaSummer, 1889. Illustration from "Almanaque de la Ilustracion", 1889.
Allegory of Peace and Justice, 1753-1754. Creator: Corrado GiaquintoAllegory of Peace and Justice, 1753-1754.
The Blessings of the Peace of Westphalia, 1654. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IThe Blessings of the Peace of Westphalia, 1654.
Charity, 1828. Creator: Wilhelm SchadowCharity, 1828.
Time reveals the truth, copy after Nicolas Poussin, between 1600 and 1799.
Allegorical Portrait of the Four Eldest Children of the King and Queen of Bohemia, about 1631
Allegorical Group with a Bust of an Architect, 1780-1800. Creator: UnknownAllegorical Group with a Bust of an Architect, 1780-1800. Additional Info: A gracefully posed young woman gestures towards a portrait bust that stands in the center of a large pedestal
Initial K: Caritas; Gradual, about 1430-1440. Creator: Master of the CypressesInitial K: Caritas; Gradual, about 1430-1440
Venus Chiding Cupid and Removing His Wings, 1872. Creator: Julia Margaret CameronVenus Chiding Cupid and Removing His Wings, 1872. Pioneering British photographer Julia Margaret Cameron is considered to be one of the most important portraitists of the 19th century
Allegorical Portrait of the van Risamburgh Family, 1790. Creator: Joseph ChinardAllegorical Portrait of the van Risamburgh Family, 1790
The Harvest, c1900s. Creator: Auguste LevequeThe Harvest, c1900s
Hercules Protects the Muse of the Fine Arts Against Envy and Ignorance, 1763
Scaldis and Antverpia, 1609. Creator: Abraham JanssensScaldis and Antverpia, 1609. Allegorical figures representing the River Scheldt and the city of Antwerp
Concord, Charity and Sincerity Conquering Discord, 1622. Creator: Abraham JanssensConcord, Charity and Sincerity Conquering Discord, 1622
Minerva Overcoming Ignorance, 1632-1633?. Creator: Peter Paul RubensMinerva Overcoming Ignorance, 1632-1633?
The Lord Mayor opening the new drinking-fountain at Bow, 1872. Creator: UnknownThe Lord Mayor opening the new drinking-fountain at Bow, [east London], 1872
Historiated Initial from a Gradual, about 1430-1440. Creator: Master of the CypressesHistoriated Initial from a Gradual, about 1430-1440
Fortitude, about 1470. Creator: Giovanni BelliniFortitude, about 1470. Additional Info: A young woman with long, curly hair wrestles open the jaws of a lion
The Sun Represented as an Emperor on Horseback; Miscellany: Anatomical-Physiological Description of Creator: UnknownThe Sun Represented as an Emperor on Horseback; Miscellany: Anatomical-Physiological Description of Men: Liber Synonimorum: Descriptions of Planets, Zodiacs
The Moon Represented as a Woman on Horseback, shortly after 1464. Creator: UnknownThe Moon Represented as a Woman on Horseback; Miscellany: Anatomical-Physiological Description of Men: Liber Synonimorum: Descriptions of Planets, Zodiacs
The Goddess of Fortune Turning the Wheel in the Presence of Heraclitus and Diogenes; Roman de la Rose; The Goddess of Fortune, about 1405
The Wheel of Fortune; Roman de la Rose, about 1405. Creator: UnknownThe Wheel of Fortune; Roman de la Rose, about 1405. Additional info: The Romance of the Rose tells the story of a lover who dreams of a beautiful rose kept captive in a castle
Philosophy Consoling Boethius and Fortune Turning the Wheel, about 1460-1470
Philosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius, about 1460-1470
Philosophy Instructing Boethius on the Role of God, about 1460-1470
Miniatures from Boethius, Consolation de philosophie, about 1460-1470
The Prince Consort National Memorial: "Manufacture", by Henry Weekes, R.A. 1872
The Prince Consort National Memorial: "Agriculture", by W. Calder Marshall, R.A. 1872
The Military Triumph at Berlin: the Sedan Trophy at the Potsdam Gate, 1871. German troops return from the Franco-Prussian War
Front page of the "Illustrated London News", Vol. LXI, July to December 1872
The National Memorial to the Prince Consort: "Europe, " by the late Patrick Macdowell, R.A. 1872. Detail from the Albert Memorial in London
The National Memorial to the Prince Consort: "Asia, " by John Henry Foley, R.A.1872
The National Memorial to the Prince Consort: "Africa", by William Theed, 1872. This group is placed on the north-east angle pedestal
The National Memorial to the Prince Consort: "America, " by John Bell, 1872
The Prince Consort National Memorial: "Commerce", by T. Thornycroft, 1872. Sculptures on the Albert Memorial
Landscape with Ceres (Allegory of Earth), 1630s. Earth is represented by the goddess Ceres, who is surrounded by a satyr, putti, and a figure holding a sheaf of wheat
Landscape with Allegories of the Four Elements, 1635. Four seated women representing water, air, earth, and fire are surrounded by a lush landscape
Allegory of Fortune, about 1658-1659. Creator: Salvator RosaAllegory of Fortune, about 1658-1659. Additional Info: A personification of Fortune bestows symbols of wealth, status, and power on dumb animals who neither need nor deserve them
Justice and Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime, about 1805-1806
Meeting of King Ferdinand of Hungary and the Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Spain at NordlingenMeeting of King Ferdinand of Hungary and the Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Spain at Nördlingen, 1635
Mischief and Repose, 1895. Creator: John William GodwardMischief and Repose, 1895. Reclining on a tiger skin draped over a marble ledge, a young woman, Repose, is disturbed from slumber by her companion, Mischief, who pesters her with a dress pin
The Fountain of Love, about 1785. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Fountain of Love, about 1785. Additional Info: In the midst of a verdant forest, a young man and woman eagerly rush forward, their feet just reaching the edge of a fountain's basin
Allegory of Magnanimity, about 1670. Creator: Luca GiordanoAllegory of Magnanimity, about 1670. Additional Info: Magnanimity, or greatness of soul, is the moral virtue of bearing adversity with tranquility and equanimity
Mars and Venus, Allegory of Peace (Mars et Venus)Mars and Venus, Allegory of Peace (Mars et Vénus, allégorie sur la Paix), 1770
The Drawing Lesson, about 1665. Creator: Jan SteenThe Drawing Lesson, about 1665
Pictura (An Allegory of Painting), 1661. Creator: Frans van Mieris IPictura (An Allegory of Painting), 1661. Additional Info: Images depicting the allegory of art were traditionally used to classify painting as one of the liberal arts
Musical Group on a Balcony, 1622. Creator: Gerrit van HonthorstMusical Group on a Balcony, 1622. Additional Info: Smiling, singing figures gather around a balcony to play musical instruments, inviting the viewers below to join in the fun
A Centennial of Independence, 1892. Creator: Henri RousseauA Centennial of Independence, 1892. Henri Rousseau commemorated the one-hundredth anniversary of the proclamation of the first French Republic in 1792
An Allegory of Passion, about 1532-1536. Creator: Hans Holbein the YoungerAn Allegory of Passion, about 1532-1536. Additional Info: The painted roundel in the center of this diamond-shaped wood panel features a rider in classical attire on a galloping white horse
Allegory of Fortune, about 1530. Creator: Dosso DossiAllegory of Fortune, about 1530
Cupid and Pan, about 1600. Creator: Federico ZuccaroCupid and Pan, about 1600. Cupid, the god of love, climbs onto the back of Pan - the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, and rustic music - who is on all fours
Winter. From the original by G.G. Fish. 1863. Creator: John P. SouleWinter. From the original by G.G. Fish. 1863
Columbia. 1873. Creator: F. G. WellerColumbia. 1873
Wisdom; Stammheim Missal, probably 1170s. Creator: UnknownWisdom; Stammheim Missal, probably 1170s. Additional Info:Within the arc of heaven, the personification of Wisdom, flanked by David and Abraham, supports God the Creator
Decorated Text Page with a VD Monogram; Stammheim Missal, probably 1170s. Creator: UnknownDecorated Text Page with a VD Monogram; Stammheim Missal, probably 1170s
Mammon, 1896. Creator: J WeberMammon, 1896. In the New Testament of the Bible, Mammon signifies material wealth or greed, most often personified as a deity. From "La Ilustracion Artistica" (Artistic Illustration), 1896