King Albert, 1919. Creator: Bain News ServiceKing Albert, 1919. Shows King Albert I of Belgium (1875-1934) on the USS Washington at Hoboken, New Jersey for a visit to New York City
King Albert of Belg. [i.e. Belgium] in America, 1914. Creator: Aime DupontKing Albert of Belg. [i.e. Belgium] in America, 1914. Shows Albert I (1875-1934) King of the Belgians (1875-1934)
Queen & King of Belg. [i.e. Belgium] opening Ghent Exposition - Mayor Braunn [i.e. Braun], 1913
King Albert, 1918. Creator: Bain News ServiceKing Albert, 1918. Shows Albert I (1875-1934) who was King of the Belgians from 1909 to 1934
King Albert on horse at King Leopold's funeral, Belgium, 1910
King Albert and Duke Connaught at King Leopold's funeral, 1910
King Albert & Gen. Foch, 7 Oct 1918 (date created or published later)
Duke of Connaught decorating a Belgian, 3 Jul 1918. Creator: Bain News ServiceDuke of Connaught decorating a Belgian, 3 Jul 1918
British Bid King Albert good by, 22 Nov 1917. Creator: Bain News ServiceBritish Bid King Albert good by, 22 Nov 1917 (date created or published later)
Belgian officers, 1917. Creator: Bain News ServiceBelgian officers, 1917. Belgian generals studying a map during the visit of Albert I, King of the Belgians, to the Western Front, May 15, 1917 during World War I
Gen. Allenby, King Albert, 16 May 1917. Creator: Bain News ServiceGen. Allenby, King Albert, 16 May 1917
King Albert on Battle Field, 16 May 1917. Creator: Bain News ServiceKing Albert on Battle Field, 16 May 1917. An aide-de-camp of King Albert I of Belgium picking up a souvenir on the Somme battlefield near Pozieres, France, May 16, 1917
Before the Flanders Operations; King Albert leaves by plane... 1917. Creator: UnknownBefore the Flanders Operations; King Albert leaves by plane to visit the front lines in Yser, 1917. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume 2" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
Belgian Bell Recovered; The victors of Messines were commanded... 1917. Creator: UnknownBelgian Bell Recovered; The victors of Messines were commanded by General Plumer; to transport and hand over the bell of the church of Wytschaete
Les chefs d'etat Allies a Paris; La victoria du roi des Belges et du president de la Republique, venant de la gare du Bois de Boulogne par les Champs-elysees, traverse, le 5 decembre 1918
En Belgique delivree; L'entrée des souverains belges a BruxellesEn Belgique delivree; L'entree des souverains belges a Bruxelles, le 22 novembre: place de la Nation, le roi et la reine assistant au defile des troupes, 1918
En Belgique delivree; La reception des souverains belges, le 12 novembre 1918. a l'hotel de ville de Grand liberee de la veille, 1918
En Belgique delivree; L'entrée solennelleEn Belgique delivree; L'entree solennelle, a Bruges, des souverains belges, le 25 october 1918: au milieu des acclamations de la foule, le roi, la reine et le prince Leopold, a cheval
Les fetes de la victoire en Belgique; sous le porche de la Basilique de Malines, le president de la republique francaise et roi des Belges sont Accueillis, le 23 juillet, par le cardinal Mercier
Les fetes de la victoire en Belgique; a Liege
Le "Soldat Inconnu" de Belgique; le roi Albert, debout, a droite, dans son uniforme de guerre, casque en tete, salue la depouille sacree, apres l'inhumation, 1921
A Furnes, le roi des Belges, 1914. Creator: UnknownA Furnes, le roi des Belges, apres avoir decore de la croix de Leopold le drapeau de son 7e regiment de ligne et remis, au nom de la France
Le roi des Belges, se rendant au ParlementFace a L'agresseur, Le roi des Belges, se rendant au Parlement, est acclame par la population bruxelloise, 1914
L'Union Cordiale des Allies; Le Roi Albert et M Poincare a Furnes le 1er Novembre 1914, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]
La Guerre de Tranchees; Le "Roi-camarade"; Albert 1er Dans les tranchees d'Avecapelle, 1915
Le Roi-Soldat; Albert I. Roi des Belges, 1914. Creator: J SimontLe Roi-Soldat; Albert I. Roi des Belges, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
Nos Grands Allies; Nicolas II, George V, Albert I Roi des Belges, 1914. Creator: UnknownNos Grands Allies; Nicolas II, George V, Albert I Roi des Belges, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
Une Reine; Elisabeth, Reine de Belges, 1914. Creator: J SimontUne Reine; Elisabeth, Reine de Belges, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
Albert 1er, Roi des Belges, 1914. Creator: UnknownAlbert 1er, Roi des Belges, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I". [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]
Les roi des Belges aux tranchees de Steenstraete; l'armee belge, et le souverain lui meme, ont adopte le casque de l'armee francaise, 1916. From "Collection de la Guerre IV
Bomb damage in Antwerp, Belgium, First World War, 1914, (c1920). Creator: UnknownBomb damage in Antwerp, Belgium, First World War, 1914, (c1920). In the Early Days of the Zeppelin Raids: house wrecked by a bomb at Antwerp, 100 yards from [Belgian] King Alberts residence
The Hero King of Belgium in the Trenches with his Soldiers, 1915. Creator: UnknownThe Hero King of Belgium in the Trenches with his Soldiers, 1915. Albert I, King of Belgium fought in the trenches with his men and became a national hero
King George V at Furnes, Belgium, First World War, 4 December 1914, (1920)
Albert I of Belgium, First World War, 1914, (c1920). Creator: UnknownAlbert I of Belgium, First World War, 1914, (c1920). Still defending Belgian soil: King Albert [left] issuing instructions at the Head-quarters of his heroic army
Albert I of Belgium reviewing troops, First World War, 1914, (c1920). Creator: UnknownAlbert I of Belgium reviewing troops, First World War, 1914, (c1920). Heroes of the Belgian Army: the 75th Regiment marching past King Albert with their colours decorated with the Royal Albert Order
General Joseph Joffre and King Albert I, First World War, c1915, (c1920). Creator: UnknownGeneral Joseph Joffre and King Albert I, First World War, c1915, (c1920). The National Heroes of France and Belgium: a meeting at the Front between General Joffre (on the left) and King Albert
Albert, King of the Belgians, c1914, (c1920). Creator: Eugene BouteAlbert, King of the Belgians, c1914, (c1920). Portrait of Albert I of Belgium (1875-1934) who reigned as the King of the Belgians from 1909 to 1934
The King of the Belgians, (1919). Creator: UnknownThe King of the Belgians, (1919). Portrait of Albert I of Belgium (1875-1934) who reigned as the King of the Belgians from 1909 to 1934
Portraits of the King and Queen of Belgium at the Cuban Embassy in Brussels, Belgium, 1927. Framed photographs of Albert I and Elisabeth of Bavaria, King and Queen of Belgium